February 13, 2019
Save Life India, Good Samaritan Law

Restoring India’s faith in humanity with the Good Samaritan Law

Ever saw or heard about a road crash? The first thing you feel is pity and remorse against either the not in-line system or people not […]
January 29, 2019
child abuse in india

Child abuse in India: How it is putting our nation in a financial deficit?

Child abuse is a graving issue prevailing in our country, yet never openly spoken about. The innocent, nurturing childhood of the abused, is turned into a […]
January 5, 2019
India dev

Top 5 roadblocks in India’s development

With India proudly proclaiming to be the laying foundation of CSR, the term is still distant to majority of its citizens. Comprising three key duties known […]
January 2, 2019
women empowerment scheme

How women empowerment scheme can help build an egalitarian society

With mankind rising up the progress ladder, gender disparities have ironically ascended too. Although waves of reforms have helped women overcome gender injustices, their effectiveness is […]
January 1, 2019

Corporate Social (Ir)Responsibility in India – The true picture

In 2014, the government made it mandatory for companies to spend on Corporate Social Responsibility. India was the first and only nation in the world to […]
November 30, 2018

A one stop startup to handle all your CSR spends and practices

Bridge impact, the startup that will handle company’s CSR initiatives, and help you create an impact As the companies increasingly becoming environmentally aware, and conscious, the […]
November 8, 2018
CSR initiatives

India’s Top 10 Companies for CSR Initiatives in 2018

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a transformational practice by the business corporations in India, mandated by the government. As an initiative towards the collective community’s well-being, […]
August 18, 2018
Give India Foundation

Give India Foundation: Celebrating the joy of giving

The joy of giving is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. While atheists and theists debate on the existence of almighty, you can […]
April 25, 2018

Day care facilities in workspace and their benefits

The Maternity Bill Act was amended and passed in April 2017. Effective from July 2017, it stipulates that a company with 50 or more employees to […]