August 14, 2023
CRM and CSR Initiatives: Driving Positive Social Change

Cause-Related Marketing CRM and CSR Initiatives: A Powerful Union for Social Impact

Consumer concern about a company’s societal impact is paramount in today’s transparent business landscape. Brands recognize this shift, with 70% of consumers seeking information on how […]
August 12, 2023
World Organ Donation Day

Celebrating the Gift of Life on World Organ Donation Day

Every year on the 13th of August, the world comes together to observe World Organ Donation Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the critical […]
August 12, 2023
International Youth Day

International Youth Day Empowering the Future through CSR Initiatives

International Youth Day is celebrated every year on August 12. The day was established by the United Nations in 1999 to recognize the importance of young […]
August 9, 2023
Coal India & Fortis Healthcare: Treating Thalassemic Children through CSR

Coal India & Fortis Healthcare: Treating Thalassemic Children through CSR

India’s abundant coal reserves and significant production have been well-known, and Coal India Limited (CIL) has been a leading player in the nation’s coal industry. While […]
August 8, 2023
STEM Education

Brillio’s Innovative STEM Education Initiative Empowers 1000 Students in Jaipur, Revolutionizing their Learning Environment

Education plays a pivotal role in driving progress and development within any society, and providing access to quality education for young minds is essential for shaping […]
August 2, 2023
Tata Steel CSR

Tata Steel’s Exemplary CSR Initiatives: Driving Sustainable Development and Social Impact

Tata Steel, a prominent steel manufacturer in India, has consistently demonstrated its commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR). In the financial year 2022-2023, the company invested […]
August 1, 2023
SDG 14: Protecting Our Oceans and CSR Initiatives

SDG 14: Protecting Our Oceans and Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14), established by the United Nations, focuses on conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources. With marine ecosystems […]
July 31, 2023
Renault-Nissan India's Karpom Munneruvom CSR Initiative: Enhancing Infrastructure for Eight Local Schools

Renault-Nissan Automotive India’s Karpom Munneruvom CSR Initiative: Enhancing Infrastructure for Eight Local Schools

Renault-Nissan Automotive India Pvt Ltd (RNAIPL), a leading automobile manufacturing company, has consistently demonstrated its commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. As part of its […]
July 29, 2023
Women Empowerment

Bridgestone India Empowers Women Through Comprehensive Training Program for Mechanics and Drivers

Bridgestone India, a leading tire manufacturer, has been actively involved in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives for many years. In a significant stride towards gender equality […]