February 6, 2018

Story of a girl who slapped the door on society’s face, and proved why men are always not superior

We often come across many cases of eve teasing and habitually pass comments saying that the evils of our society must be punished, and put behind […]
February 3, 2018

Story of a man who paid heavy price for his childish dare, but never lost hope

A life hard to imagine and circumstances in which a lot of us would have given up. This story is about the man called Raja Mahendra […]
February 3, 2018
Sindhutai Sapkal

Story of a woman who begged for survival but never gave up on life

The power to not give up on life even when the circumstances are against you,reveals true character. One such story is of woman named Sindhutai Sapkal, […]
February 2, 2018
Shubhendu Sharma

Shubhendu sharma | Founder and director of Afforestt who can grow forest in backyard

What drives us from within, is our will to be the change we want to see in the world. One such story is of a man […]
December 14, 2017

Story of transformation: kadbanwadi water conservation strategy,from barren to fertile

Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The future of India lies in its villages.” He firmly believed that to put an end to the […]
August 25, 2017
priti patkar fighting human trafficking

PritiPatkar is a messiah for victims of human trafficking

Despite having a degree from a top university, and a high-flying career awaiting abroad, PritiPatkar stayed in Mumbai to rescue victims of inter generational trafficking. She […]