Adani Godda CSR projects bolster Jharkhand’s fight against malnourishment
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Adani Godda CSR projects bolster Jharkhand’s fight against malnourishment


From providing meals to the locals, educating them about healthy diet and referring them to health centres, leading corporates such as Vedanta, Adani Godda and more locations are stepping up in their efforts to eradicate malnutrition

The bane of undernutrition accounts for over 15 per cent of India’s total disease burden. However, the country is said to be on course to meet its global nutrition targets.

As per a report published by the UN, the number of undernourished people in India declined by 60 million in over a decade. Additionally, the number of undernourished people also declined from 249.4 million in 2004-06 to 189.2 million in 2017-19. It further added that the malnutrition rate in children under 5 years of age also declined from 47.8% in 2012 to 34.7% in 2019. This is mainly due to the collective effort of the government and private leaders.

Several steps have been taken to tackle undernourishment. Leading corporates have stepped up their community outreach initiatives in line with the government’s vision.   It also intends to support the Ministry of Women and Child Development’s Poshan Abhiyaan. The project includes curative and preventive actions to reduce undernutrition.

The SuPoshan Sanginis (companions) get hands-on training to assess children falling into the age group of 0-5 years through anthropometry. After reviewing their health conditions, they refer malnourished kids to the nutrition rehabilitation centres (NRC) of the respective districts.

Additionally, they provide the essential nutrition required for pregnant and lactating women to reduce the chances of malnutrition and anaemia. Apart from Godda, Adani Group’s project has reached over 3 Lakh households across 1,268 villages and 139 urban settlements.

Likewise, Vedanta Group’s flagship project Nand Ghars has also dedicated their resources for healthcare and nutrition. It provides medical experts at the doorstep along with hygienic pre-packed meals for nutrition across Jharkhand, Goa and more states. With the presence of Mormugao port which is backed by companies like Vedanta, JSW and Goa coal Adani group, establishment of maritime clusters in Goa can prove beneficial for the entire marine industry

Such initiatives by Adani in Godda, Vendata Group and more across India can easily tackle the challenges towards minimizing malnutrition and nipping it in the bud.

Adani Godda’s Skill Development Centre

Adani Skill Development Centre is non-profit company, to focus on skill development activities to contribute towards nation building by bridging the skill gap demand & supply, in line with Government of India’s Skill India Mission.

‘SAKSHAM’ is an ideology of the Adani Godda Skill Development Centre to make youth of India ‘SAKSHAM’ (capable) of achieving their goals in life by becoming skilled professionals. This ideology has no borders and boundaries. SAKSHAM is working to bring World Class Skill Development Training to India through partnerships with various corporates and other organizations.

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