YouTube Exposé Rocks Chaudhary Group: Binod Chaudhary Faces Allegations of Kidnapping and Financial Turmoil
Prashant Kishor: The Kingmaker of Indian Politics
January 4, 2024
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The man who believed in the beauty of his dreams: From 12th fail to IPS Manoj Sharma
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YouTube Exposé Rocks Chaudhary Group: Binod Chaudhary Faces Allegations of Kidnapping and Financial Turmoil

In some shocking news that’s buzzing around Nepal’s business scene, the famous Chaudhary Group, led by the super-rich Binod Chaudhary, is caught up in some big trouble. People are talking about allegations of kidnapping, money mess, and even some shady business with the Pandora Papers. It all came out after a bunch of human rights folks sniffed around and said, “Hey, this isn’t right!”

Not long ago, a YouTube channel called ‘Thaha’ spilled the beans on the whole thing, using facts and links to back it up. Even other news places are jumping in, making everyone go, “What’s going on here?”

Now, let’s get to the juicy stuff. They’re saying Binod Chaudhary’s crew kidnapped an Indian guy named Laxmikant Sharma. Why? Because his son, who works for Chaudhary Group, apparently took off with a bunch of money – like, Rs nine million worth! They’re saying Sharma was stuck in some guest house for over a month by none other than Binod Chaudhary himself. Drama alert!

Then there’s Sharma’s son, Shashikant. He got moved around by the police after they said he played a big role in the money mess and pocketed a good chunk of the stolen cash. It gets sadder – another person, Bishnu Maheshwori, who was also tied up in this money thing, supposedly took his own life while being questioned by the police.

Chaudhary Group’s big shots are saying, “No way! We were just keeping Sharma safe.” But Sharma and his son are telling a different story, saying it was more like a kidnapping adventure.

Hold on, it gets messier. Chaudhary Group and Binod Chaudhary are part of the Pandora Papers thing. It’s like a big leak of secret financial stuff, and it points fingers at them for doing some tricky money moves offshore. It’s making people wonder, “What kind of business is this?”

A bunch of human rights folks checked things out on the ground and said that Chaudhary Group might have messed up on people’s rights, keeping them captive for money. Not cool, right?

Here’s the weird part – even with all these big accusations, Binod Chaudhary is still walking around, free as a bird. They’re saying it’s because he’s got lots of power. That’s a head-scratcher!

As they dig deeper into this mess, it looks like there’s a real need for a fair investigation. What happens next is a mystery, but everyone’s waiting to see if these accusations stick and if Chaudhary Group will still be the big shot in Nepal’s business world. It’s like a real-life soap opera playing out!

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