The Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), a state-owned public road transport company in Karnataka, recently converted a Scrap Bus into a Sthree Toilet. As a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the Bengaluru International Airport Authority (BIAL) has paid an amount of Rs.12 Lakhs for supporting this cause.
The three Indian and two western toilets are equipped with Sanitary napkin machine and Incinerator. Eco-friendly in design, the bus is making use of self-generated power through solar sensor. The corporation is convinced that cleanliness is a top concern and is providing basic infrastructure to women passengers at bus stops.
The Toilet facility was supposed to be delivered on International Women’s Day (March 8) however, it was delayed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In the year 2016, the Pune Municipal Corporation and in collaboration with Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited (PMPML), converted six scrap buses into mobile toilets. KSRTC officials claimed to get the idea from a Pune-based company that built a toilet in an old non-AC bus in the city.
Based on the pilot project, more old buses would be used as washrooms at crowded bus stations. “Bus is making use of self-generated power through solar. It also has solar sensor lights and a wash basin. The corporation believes that cleanliness is a top concern providing basic infrastructure to women passengers at bus stops” said a KSRTC statement.
Deputy Chief Minister and transport minister Laxman Savadi, who inaugurated the facility, directed officials to make use of scrap buses for useful initiatives especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The move by Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation certainly comes as a major relief for all the female passengers.