July 29, 2020
Women Empowerment

AROH Foundation steps up to empower marginalised women

With the Indian government aspiring for a $5 trillion economy, as much as developmental activities are being carried out in the urban areas, it becomes equally […]
July 22, 2020
Muskurahat Foudation

Muskurahat Foundation announces the launch of ‘Project Saarthi’

An initiative to help young aspirants in rural areas identify and secure job opportunities 22nd July,2020 Kolhapur: Due to the on-going Covid-19 situation, Muskurahat Foundation identified […]
July 10, 2020
JSPL Foundation

JSPL continues its multi-dimensional intervention in the nation’s fight against Covid-19

To support the district administration, the government, and the local community to fight against Covid-19, Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) has continued its multi-dimensional intervention […]
June 26, 2020
CSR Activities

Widening the ambit of CSR activities, MCA recognizes contributions to the armed forced as CSR

At a time when the country is defending itself internally from Covid-19 and externally from military standoffs at its international borders, the armed forces are playing […]
June 18, 2020
dharavi slum

A film maker in Mumbai opening new doors of opportunities for girls of Dharavi slums

While the patriarchy scenario might have changed for the better in urban areas, it is pretty much the same as it has always been in the […]
May 22, 2020

How ICICI Foundation has emerged as a beacon of hope for various sectors

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the “Self-reliant India” campaign in his recent address to the nation, it was expected to promote skill development and more […]
May 22, 2020
RPG Foundation

RPG Foundation: Transforming Lives through community engagement

The world is one family; every bit of it is connected with the other in different ways. Unfortunately, this world is unequal in various forms such […]
May 1, 2020
Suresh Nanda ties up with NGOs

Suresh Nanda ties up with NGOs to aid the coronavirus-hit victims

What purpose do we serve as human being if we turn a blind eye to the needs of others? Especially when the world is in the […]
May 1, 2020
firms are helping their employees during shutdown

Setting an example, how leading firms are helping their employees during shutdown

The panic and fear caused by the Covid-19 pandemic across the world are not hidden from anyone. More than the Covid-19 itself, the nation-wide shutdown has […]