Charity Begins at Home: Prophix Software’s Employee-Led CSR Program on the March
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Charity Begins at Home: Prophix Software’s Employee-Led CSR Program on the March

Prophix Software

Prophix Software reaffirmed its commitment to its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program through significant charitable contributions. The cloud-based Corporate Performance Management (CPM) giant announced that it had recently partnered with nine non-profit entities.  Halton Food for Thought, Nanny Angel Network and Emily’s House, to name a few.

Prophix’s CSR program was initiated in 1987 as an outreach strategy through which it could give back to the community. For the last 30-plus years, the program has been a cornerstone for numerous charitable groups. Its financial support has enabled important projects to take-off, touching millions of lives.

Unlike other companies, Prophix Software has perfected an ingenious way of approaching its CSR program. On achieving its quarterly target, the responsibility of choosing a charitable organization to donate is delegated to its employees. This simple act adds a personal touch to the whole affair.

The company also rewards its employees who undertake volunteer work with a short sabbatical.

Following COVID-19’s devastating run, Prophix Software revised its CSR goals to adapt to the changing situation. It made noteworthy contributions to charities that provided relief to pandemic-affected families. Some of these charities include:

  • Halton Food for Thought: Halton Food for Thought is a program that works with elementary schools and the Education Board to provide healthy food to under-privileged children. Even when virtual-learning has taken the center stage, the program is still delivering its share of meals to support Prophix.
  • Nanny Angel Network: The Nanny Angel Network provides free, specialized care to children from cancer-affected homes. Prophix put on its thinking cap and came up with innovative solutions to tackle the pandemic conditions like virtual tutoring, e-support groups and e-social clubs.
  • Emily’s House: Emily’s House is a dedicated hospice catering to the needs of children and families facing critical illnesses. The challenges of lockdown restrictions were met head-on. Through successful implementation of virtual programs, Prophix enabled an uninterrupted flow of love and care.

Through its CSR initiatives, Prophix Software aims to achieve three goals which it believes is key to a better, brighter future:

  • Sustainability
  • Purposeful Projects
  • Employee Empowerment

Alok Ajmera, CEO and President of Prophix Software, said, “At Prophix, philanthropy is a vital part of our DNA.” Furthermore, he also added, “Prophix is absolutely committed to being part of the community of concerned citizens taking on the sustainability challenge.” As the saying goes ‘Deeds, not words’ and Prophix Software is certainly living by it.

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