November 30, 2018

A one stop startup to handle all your CSR spends and practices

Bridge impact, the startup that will handle company’s CSR initiatives, and help you create an impact As the companies increasingly becoming environmentally aware, and conscious, the […]
November 8, 2018
CSR initiatives

India’s Top 10 Companies for CSR Initiatives in 2018

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a transformational practice by the business corporations in India, mandated by the government. As an initiative towards the collective community’s well-being, […]
August 18, 2018
Give India Foundation

Give India Foundation: Celebrating the joy of giving

The joy of giving is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. While atheists and theists debate on the existence of almighty, you can […]
April 25, 2018

Day care facilities in workspace and their benefits

The Maternity Bill Act was amended and passed in April 2017. Effective from July 2017, it stipulates that a company with 50 or more employees to […]
April 9, 2018
How to save water in daily life

How to save water in daily life?

Why is it important to conserve water? A rather simple yet intriguing question, it forms the basis of existence on planet earth. Water is essential to […]
March 27, 2018
Child Abuse

How to stop child abuse today?

Amongst the various social concerns, child abuse in India remains a major concern. It is much more than the broken bones and bruises. The scars left […]
March 25, 2018

World Water Day: Joining hands together in the fight against scarcity

Ryan International School organizes World Water Day awareness campaign to make a considerable impact on pedagogy and student mindsets People across the world have grown up […]
February 20, 2018
ways to save nature

Most effective ways to save nature that every person must follow

With increasing hazards in the environment, it is becoming essential to follow ways to save nature. Though, going green is not as difficult as it seems. […]
February 13, 2018
how to stop domestic violence

How to stop domestic violence?

An evil deep rooted in the society, domestic violence is an issue that needs our attention. With the number of cases increasing every day, it is […]