Meet the women who is fighting for men’s rights, Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj
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Meet the women who is fighting for men’s rights, Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj

Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj

Meet the hero of the society –Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj, a woman who is fighting for the ‘rights of men’. With an IMDb rating of 8.5/10, her documentary Martyrs of Marriage, which reveals loopholes in the anti-dowry act was well received by the public. Several people credit the documentary for bringing the change in the society of how do we view men’s rights today.

Deepika started her career as a software engineer but later went into media. Her journey as a men’s rights activist began when her own family became a victim of false accusations of domestic violence and dowry in 2011. She recalls the event which changed her life forever as her family suffered a lot to the blackmail they were exposed to.

Released three years before, the documentary unveils how Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code has been misused in some cases to harass males and their families. The biggest milestone that the documentary achieved in the way of spreading awareness came when Australia was on the verge of passing a 498A like law.

Australia decided not to pass such a law after the movie was screened in Australia as the people there became aware of the other side of that law. In India, she believes the problem lies within the general mindset of many people when they hear about the dowry case, they prima facie hold men responsible for the wrong and not the women.

But she believes that things are better now than they were before as the Supreme Court has laid some guidelines against the misuse of the dowry and domestic violence law. Earlier, the police immediately used to arrest the husband and the family and in many cases, they had to go through a lot of harassment if the husband doesn’t bow down to the wife’s demands.

Her work is inspiring to a number of people on this planet, but this journey was not an easy task. She faced a number of obstacles in her journey from getting herself booked under an FIR by a woman because she asked her husband to take action against her as she was harassing him. She was often tagged as an anti-women, woman-hater and misogynist person.

Without getting influenced by all these, Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj continues to serve society every day with enhanced spirit.

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